Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Software piracy settlements on the rise
By Ian Lynch [20-03-2003]
Cases settled by the BSA last year up 17 per cent on 2001
Read this entire article to find what percentage of business software is pirated, but you first might want to take a guess of your own... Selected brief quotes follow here, including a phone number to report offenders.

"Ironically, technology companies were the worst offenders, counting for 26 out of 75 cases...
Since the BSA increased rewards for whistleblowers to up to £10,000 in November 2000, the number of tip-offs it has fielded has steadily increased. In 2001-2 the group received 1,960 leads, with the largest payout coming to £6,500....
Cases are set to rise further as the BSA plans to step up its campaign against piracy this year in response to the huge amount of software available for download via the web.... The BSA has always had a facility to report end-user leads. These are now increasingly reported via the organisation's website, which is rapidly becoming more popular than the BSA's telephone hotline on 0800 510 510."