Monday, September 26, 2005

The AICPA has posted a downloadable checklist to help with disaster recovery, including ensuring employee safety, maintaining operations and evaluating the company's financial situation.

Thursday, September 15, 2005
Compliance and Technology: A Special Report on Process Improvement and Automation in the Age of Sarbanes-Oxley a report prepared by CFO Research Services in collaboration with Virsa Systems and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, August 2005

The research program sought to uncover and identify how companies seek to enhance their processes and systems now that the first phase of compliance is drawing to a close.
Key Findings: Automation of the compliance and control environment over the next 12 months is a priority; 56% plan to scrutinize their underlying business processes; 43% will turn their attention to improving and automating manual controls such as reconciliation and security.
Keyboard clicks can lead to security hacks - Michael Kanellos, ZD Net
The findings of this report which listened to audio recordings of people typing and used the sounds related to keystrokes to recover 96% of what was typed in. This was regardless of cell phones ringing and quiet keyboards. Interesting but scary.