Monday, July 27, 2009
Twittering about impending "fatty paychecks" from a job offer can lead to many consequences. Interesting article and links about what happened


Thursday, July 02, 2009

Tweet Tweet. This article from the Journal of Accountancy is full of links to CPA sites that are twittering, and includes some of the twitter jargon descriptions for those who are not familiar with this. Several practitioners and State CPA Societies are already engaged in the process.


At this link you will find podcasts related to the top technology initiatives. The mechanism for how the list was compiled is described, for the first time allowing the entire membership of the AICPA to vote, instead of just the individuals in the IT section. Before you download the podcast, also notice that there are some other podcasts related to AIS/Auditing, to the right of the podcast link by clicking on the link for Top Technology Initiatives link (for example, a podcast about CAATS is one).


Back to blogging....after a hiatus from AIS related topics, I am back. The world has changed much in these few short years, since I have been away from AIS-related subjects. New security concerns abound. This article caught my interest about identities being hijacked by way of facebook. The article is titled "Friend or Fraud? Security and Social Networks" and was authored by Richard Adhikari. I agree that the challenge is the degree of openness versus security - this challenge exists in all systems, man-made or natural.

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