Monday, September 29, 2003 CFOs Name Top Sarbanes-Oxley Challenges - Complying with Executive Certification and Internal Control Requirements Not Sole Concern of Public Companies, According to Protiviti Survey
The results of this survey shed information on potential costs of Sarbanes -Oxley, implications for board composition, auditor independence.

Friday, September 26, 2003 Big Offices Are Better by Tom Davenport September 1 Issue of CIO Magazine.
This article is about performance metrics related to IT shops. The article discusses the two areas common to such measurements, programming, and IT processes and capabilities. A new alphabet soup item for me, CMM (Capability Maturity Models) is interesting in looking at the movement of software development jobs.

Monday, September 22, 2003,,sid9_gci884512,00.html

Check out all these technology blogs. I have only checked a couple, but some look worthwhile. This link is courtesy of the Syllabus IT Trends Newsletter. Have fun.

Friday, September 19, 2003
This site is for a course entitled e-commerce technology. There is some great opencourseware material on databases, data mining, XML and the web in general. This comes to you courtesy of North Carolina State University.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003
XBRL is the future says PwC September 10 2003 by Matthew Clark
This article emphasizes how the re-tooling to accomodate Sarbanes Oxley as well as those companies that are wanting more open financial reporting will facilitate further recognition and growht of XBRL technology over the next few years.
This site is full of information on the opensource movement. It is updated on a regular basis as well.

Sunday, September 14, 2003 Intrusion Detection Terminology (Part One) by Andy Cuff
This article on IDS (Intrustion Detection Systems) was interesting, with a dictionary from the letter A through H of related terms in this area. Blacklisting, fragmentation, and honeypots are just a few of the terms.

Friday, September 12, 2003,1377,60281,00.html
Viruses, Worms: What's in a Name? - Michelle Delio, Wired
Did you know Brain was the first computer virus named in 1986? Did you know there have been 65,000 since then, and more every day. This article was interesting discussing some of the names of viruses.
Giving E-mail back to the users: Using digital signatures to solve the spam problem by Trevor Tompkins and Dan Handley

The following portion of the abstract is for this paper which argues that current legislative and private attempts to stop spam are either ineffective, or involve unacceptable tradeoffs. The key to solving the spam problem is recognizing the importance of e-mail authentication and the granting of permissions. Properly used, digital signatures can easily authenticate e-mail for effective spam control. The ability to manage public keys for verifying digital signatures provides each e-mail user the individual power to control who communicates with her and can therefore completely eliminate the practice of spamming.

Thursday, September 11, 2003
This Information Security checklist lists 12 items. Make your own list first and see how many of the items show up on this list.

Monday, September 08, 2003

telecommuting this questionnaire will give you feedback as to whether you would be a good candidate for telecommuting.
Accountants Questioned for Questioning Accounting Sept. 2, 2003

Post Sarbanes Oxley, it is interesting the number of firms being let go by clients for various reasons: fees too high, disagreement over GAAP. This articles talks about some recent company and auditor interactions.

Thursday, September 04, 2003 Accountant's Image Improves: New Gallup Poll
Mari Watts, Director, Marketing & Communications for Illinois CPA Society
This news release is from the ICPAs, reacting to our the fact that the accounting profession has been noted for the most improved image of any profession over the last year. However we have still not recovered to the point the profession was at prior to Enron.